IRIX 5.2 security problem

Phil Cox (
Wed, 10 Aug 1994 14:46:54 -0700 (PDT)

I have a couple of questions. I tested the description out via the clogin,
and all worked as described for my local system. I then telneted over to
another one of my machines and tried the PrintStatus, which gave me an
error due to not having a local printer defined. I then tried cdman,
sgihelp, and datman which all failed dur to not having the help files
availible. I then closed that connection and connected to another machine,
when trying the desktophelp command, I got the root window alright, but it
was for the previous machine I connected to. I then tried the local
desktop help on my local desktop, and the root window of the second
machine came up again. I am wondering what would cause this behavior. How
does the sgiviewer attach itself. Does waht I explained make sense to a
person who know the software?

I don't even know if I could reproduce the cenereo, but I am confused.


* Philip C. Cox          |  PAGER: (510) 734-7983 *
*           |  VOICE: (510) 294-3557 *